Tuesday, November 16, 2010

My First Baptism! Such A Great Feeling!

Wow! What a week it has been. I´ll begin on Monday after I emailed you all. We went to a “Noche de Hogar” (Family Home Evening) with a great investigator family. It was a blast! We celebrated the eighth birthday of their son and then we played “Don´t Eat Pete” with the family. The Dad gave us all t-shirts to smack the loser with when they ate “Pete”. We pummeled each other into oblivion.

The next day was Tuesday and we had the conferencia de zona with president and his wife. They are great folks. I mailed the letters to you with the memory card, and I got a whole bunch of letters. They made my day!

Wednesday, we spent some good time with the family that got baptized on Saturday, finishing up the lessons. We taught some other good lessons and had a good day.

Thursday, that day was great! We woke up early, and got on the bus going to the capital. The whole zone went to go eat at President´s house. It was a Christmas dinner…in the beginning of November! We were the first zone to do Christmas dinners which is why it was so early. We had interviews with President and just hung out. The food was to die for. I haven´t had a good home cooked meal like that, complete with lasagna, steak, etc., well since the end of August. I really like Hermana Almonte. As nice as can be!

Friday came around and we had a fairly uneventful day. We planned, contacted and got the family ready for baptism. They all passed the interview and were excited. There was also an activity in the ward that night that we helped out at, and got some investigators to attend.

Saturday came around. My first baptism! I found the note you left in my pants Mom, talking about my first baptism. The baptism was the highlight of my week. Even more so now, that´s my goal. Once a week! I baptized Madelin first, then right after her, Melen. Such a great feeling! There was a 12 year old boy named Joselito that came to the baptism that told us right after that he wanted to be baptized. I said great! We´ll start teaching him today.

Sunday, they all arrived to Church early and received the Holy Ghost. During a lesson on Sunday, I had my second favorite story of the week. We gave a woman a message about families and I tried something new and showed her the pictures of our family in the photo album you gave me. She couldn´t have cared less about the lesson, but she loved the photos. She told me that Gretchen looks like one of the Dominican Soap Opera Stars.

Have a great week. I love you all!

Elder LeCheminant

1 comment:

  1. way to be a dominican soap opera star gretchen!
    haha i love it.
    and yay for phil's first baptism!
