Since I'm going to La Colonia, and Elder Mejilla, who is in La Colonia is coming here, some time tomorrow morning I'll have a taxi drive us there, and he'll take Elder Mejilla back with Elder Juarez. I've packed up just about everything. The one thing I am disappointed about is the house we're moving into. Sabana Yegua's house is one of the best in the mission. La Colonia's floor is just a step above cement. But at least the electricity is much better in the city. There, when we come back at night, there is always light. So tradeoffs.
I'll be honest, I had my dreams of the Capital or Barahona, but I know that my time will come. At least I get to experience a bit of a city. Paved roads to walk on will be a benefit. I'm going in with a good positive attitude. I've heard a lot of good things about the branch in La Colonia.
Anyways, I thought I would focus my email on a few of my favorite memories of Sabana Yegua.
First day that I arrived here with my trainer, we went to Olvito's and Dionela's house and played with them and the kids. I was as lost as can be. No one understood me, and I didn't understand a word of what they were saying.
My first cambioneta ride into Azua. We hop in the bed of the truck with others while we fly down the highway. I was clutching the truck with fear that I was going to fall out! Also, learning a whole batch of obnoxious Spanish songs; for example, Controla tu Noca (or "Control your Crazy Girlfriend"…Noca equals Novia [Girlfriend] plus Loca [Crazy]).
My first baptism here was legit. It was of Melen. Just a little kid, with the cutest smile you could imagine. He gave me the biggest smile right before I baptized him.
Spending time with the family of Bolivar practically every day for six months. At least a ten minute water break chatting with them. I loved the baptism of Bolivar and Carlito, and I am so grateful that I was here to do it.
I don’t know why, but one of my favorite memories here is when I realized who truly is living the dream. It has to be 15 year old Melbin, who will strip off all his clothes, except his underpants, at any time of day, with anyone around, and jump into the canal right outside his house. Then get out as if nothing had ever happened.
The Christmas baptism of Olvito and Dionela, who had waited 7 months to get married, was definitely a highlight.
The little morenito Alex who always hung out with us is someone that I'll never forget.
I loved sharing a short message at Hermana Santa's house. The lady that goes to the Catholic Church from 9 to 10, and our Church after, and sleeps with her baby goats. Yes, you heard me right, sleeps with her baby goats. I got a great picture of us with her and her chivitos (goats).
Well, I've had some good times here in Sabana Yegua, yet better times are ahead. I look forward to what is ahead; Elder Moraga and I are going to tear it up in La Colonia.
Love Elder LeCheminant
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