Letter from Phillip on May 30, 2011
Hola Hola La Familia Mia!
Well, as we all know, we started up the new transfer right here in La Colonia. And to top it all off, a great baptism will occur this Saturday. William, will be baptized and make a covenant with God which will conduce him to eternal life if he persevera to the fin. He has a lot of animo and is excited to get baptized. More and more I read about the native general authorities, the more I realize that quite a few of them were young men when they got baptized and have stuck with it. William walks a long way to Church every day for Seminary and hasn`t missed a Sunday in a long time. I think he`s definitely prepared to be baptized.
Update on other investigators. Juan: Lots of desire. In the words of Juan, the more he reads the Book of Mormon, the more it amazes him. Juan`s wife, the Haitian cracks me up. They live a street up from our house. We were walking back to the house at night and I had just bought an egg to cook when we got back. My comp bought a lot. She called us back and said to me, what the heck are you doing with just one egg in the bag? That won`t do she says. Before I had the chance to speak she grabbed the bag from my hand, went into the house and came back a minute later with 8 eggs, a bottle of oil and spaghetti. She handed it back to me, and told me: “that’s better!” I sat there flabbergasted. She`s not into the Church, but I really hope she gets baptized one day.
We had a great lesson with a lady named Marta. Moraga and I had a couple excellent lessons with her. The first time we saw her, she introduced herself as an evangelical. Then she said, a lot of people say that those Mormons worship Jose Smith, but I know it`s not like that. So we said, yes, you`re right. We taught her, then invited her to Church. She showed up right in time for Church and enjoyed it. I`ll let you know if anything happens with Marta.
We had a meeting with the zone this past week. President talked to all the zone leaders and they talked to us. He had some great thoughts. He said on the street, we should be tame and meek, like little chickens. However, if robbers come in to the house, we should defend ourselves, like lions! And that is why one machete in every house is in accordance with mission rules!
He taught us that faith in Jesus Christ is the highest degree of faith. This gave me some food for thought. I admit, I had thought before the mission that the Gospel would bring happiness to one and all and that everyone would be lost without it. However I have realized that millions of people seem happy with their own way of living. This thought got me down a bit. But I have realized that there are different levels for everything. For example, I can feel the great power of a waterfall. But there is nothing in comparison to the power of the being who created the waterfall. People can have great joy in families, but when the power of the spirit comes in, the families have greater joy. The faith in Jesus Christ as presented in the Bible and the Book of Mormon is the highest degree of faith that exists in the whole world. And that is why we have such a great responsibility to share it, so that people can receive of the full truth of God on the earth. I have a long way to go before I fully exercise the true faith in Jesus Christ, but the goal is there.
Yesterday my comp had a great phone call home on Nicaraguan Mother’s day.
There are few words to describe the heat of Azua. It`s hot.
P-Day was fun. Played soccer, ate, now emailing home. Getting ready for a good week!
Love Phil
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